Rescue Remedy Pet

The Bach Flower Remedies are 100% safe for animals

Rescue Remedy
Rescue Remedy Pet

Animals have emotions too. They feel fear, anger, jealousy,  depression, happiness and joy just like us. The Bach Flower Remedies can help our animals when they have negative emotions just as they help us when we are emotionally out of balance. Unfortunately, we are not able to ask our pet why it acts depressed, but we do know if it misses a friend or gets overly excited around new people and that is how we select the correct remedies for our animals.

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Improve Your Pets Stress & Anxiety

Rescue Remedy Pet is a combination of 5 Bach Flower Remedies to help your pet deal with stressful situations such as: going to the vet, the groomer, thunderstorms, and fireworks. And we have heard fantastic stories from people giving Rescue Remedy to their dogs when having seizures.

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What’s in a bottle of Rescue Remedy?

These are the 5 Bach Flower Remedies in Rescue Remedy.
5x (HPUS) dilution:
Star of Bethlehem – Helps animals that have experienced abuse, trauma, and shock, whether experienced recently or in the past. Helps the animal let go of the trauma and enjoy life.
Rock Rose – For situations in which the animal experiences panic or terror such as an accident, going to the vet, thunderstorm or fireworks.
Cherry Plum – Helps animals who seem to have lost control of their actions such as constant barking, scratching or licking.
Impatiens – Helps impatient animals who can’t wait for their meal or go for a walk.
Clematis – For animals who seem to be sleeping too much and not paying attention to what’s going on around them.
Inactive Ingredients: 80% Vegetable Glycerin (Palm & Coconut Oil-based), 20% water.
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